ESPN made the first big splash of the hot-stove league by pulling the plug on their Sunday night baseball broadcast team of Jon Miller and Joe Morgan. The former was clearly collateral damage and reports are that he’ll be fine; Miller wasn’t the problem and expect to hear him on ESPN radio still at the very least and on Giants’ broadcasts.
And although I rarely rejoice in someone’s dismissal I will make a major exception in regard to Morgan. If you were an occasional viewer or, and more importantly, if your team played in those Sunday night games you know how awful an announcer Morgan had become. I will give that this was not always the case, but he acts like he has superior knowledge, that he does not possess. Very obvious to me during Yankee games, Morgan would even yell over Miller who broadcasts Giants game on a regular freaking basis and is far more informed on that team than Morgan ever will be. It was especially galling to hear Miller kowtow to Morgan undeservedly.
George and Billy VI? Both Yankee icons are on the Veteran’s ballot for the next Hall of Fame ballot and I defy the committee to send them in together, locked in a duo even after death. I suppose I am biased, but it sure does make sense and it’s the kind of thing baseball is all about. Selig immediately came out with a statement saying that GMSII belongs in the Hall for the astounding changes he made to the game and for his success in winning and in restoring the once great Yankee traditions.
Adrien Brody is Michael Caine in reverse apparently. He keeps showing up in dreck that keeps showing up in my mailbox courtesy of Netflix who, I strongly believe, are out to get me. Last night’s piece of crap in question was called “Splice” and it co-starred Sarah Polley who I have had a crush on for a long, long time. Not as early as Baron Von Munchausen but as soon as she was growed up. Even she couldn’t save this movie that was as stillborn as the “baby” at the center of the plot of this stinking pooch should have been.
I am going to go through my queue and remove any movie with Brody in it. There was a joke on some show about no one going to see his movies and it ain’t no joke. If I were you, I’d save myself the aggravation and delete his movies too.
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