Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So, I'm not quite sure when the epiphany actually is, but I don't think I am quite ready to go and read November's output: "Giving In." That book can sit on simmer a little longer; no one even knows of its existence as of yet.
And again, it's the cover that is holding me back on publishing "Rose." I perhaps should have gone ahead with my own, half-assed attempt and gotten it out there, but I would like it to look right. Valentine's Day (which is also the same day that pitchers & catchers start to report for Spring Training, which is as big a day on my personal calendar as the day tickets go on sale for TTITD (probably more so as I have already earned a ticket for this year so...)) seems like the perfect day to release my collection of broken and joy-filled romantic moments. That would be excuse #26 if you're counting.
But if I "announce" that intention next week when I read one of the stories at Sexy Tales at El Cid on 1/11/11 then perhaps I'll stick to it. Perhaps...

And I know "Motherless Brooklyn" was his big one, but I can't recommend Jonathan Lethem's "The Fortress of Solitude" enough. Same goes to the work of Jess Walter who I may or not have mentioned already.

In other silly news: last Wednesday in the rain/wind storm a very large tree where I live came mostly crashing down. It would up perched precariously on it's broken stump and on the roof of the bungalow across from it. And despite calls to both the emergency and regular lines of the "management" company, nothing was done about it through the entire weekend. Even the fannie mae representative cried $ when I informed him of the ongoing, dangerous scenario here. One would think something like that would be handled immediately; they have the $ to rake the front yard, you would think they would take care of this asap.
But, no; it took them a full 5 days before sending someone out and if you were expecting professional tree service, then you haven't been paying attention. Kind of had to hide my eyes as the handyman and his trusty chainsaw starting indiscriminately hacking at wayward branches from where it looked like he was under the tree. Scary moments, but it's finally down and mostly removed. On to the next near catastrophe...

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