Monday, December 27, 2010

All my apologies for the unscheduled two-week hiatus me and this not-blog have been on. I know many of you have far more treacherous and ongoing weather conditions so it seems nervy to complain about some rain, so I won't. What I will do is mention, just in passing, that the SoCal rains caused some pretty serious flooding in my writing studio. A friend's LP's that were being stored for "safe-keeping" in my studio sadly got the brunt of it: they were directly in the line of fire... er, water.

But since then, said LP's (for you youngsters out there, LP = Long Playing, which is not a sex term, but just the length of a record which is an archaic, although superior form of sound recording and playback. Google it or read it on Wiki or whatever it is you do) are stacked on my desk, my chair, my filing cabinet making working in there far too difficult while furnishing me with a valid excuse for said non-planned hiatus.

So, last week when it was pouring, I opened the door and offered to hold my neighbors across the way's FedEx package so it wouldn't get drowned. I even left the neighbor a note saying I have it just in case it was important, timely. But this morning, when the DHL guy knocked and asked if I would sign/hold a package for the neighbor next to me I told them I don't speak with her, which is true. Me and Thurman are grudge-holders of the 9th Order and that bitch's stupid bitch of a dog (I really blame the owner but there is collateral damage) took a chomp out of Thurm's noggin when he was still a tiny kitten, so yeah -- no neighborly favors.

Still working on the cover of "Rose," waiting to get in the editing room for "To Begin Again," and still waiting to sell even a single T-shirt.

I'll try and get the studio cleared out and dried out and then see what's back there to share with you. Y'all were probably enjoying xmas and stuff and weren't even looking here anyway...

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