But if that's not enough for you, if you would like to see me in person in your town, now there's something you can do about that. My Indiegogo campaign just went live this morning and I'm attempting to raise funds to finally be able to promote my book, "A Rose by any Other Name: An Alphabet of Tales about a Man and a Woman" so that I can do the rock 'n roll thing only with pages and words instead of with guitars and amplifiers.
Here's some background information straight from the copy on the campaign:
I woke up one crisp October morning with a story in my head. This isn't terribly out of the ordinary, but the form that it was in was totally different. With a film background (grad of NYU Film School) all the works of fiction that I created were for the screen.
But this was a short story and it flowed out onto the page and I thought little about it until another story burst free, nearly fully formed, and demanded space on a page. Before none too long, a theme had developed and I wrote the twenty-six tales that became my first book, "A Rose by any Other Name" although it took me a number of years to finally push this puppy out of the nest.
The book was released in April 2012, but immediately after that my time was demanded toward a greater goal of assisting a dear friend who had been diagnosed with a terrible disease and while I have been able through direct sales, Amazon and Kindle to put my stories in front of some sets of eyes, I hadn't had the opportunity to really present the book to the world.
Click HERE to go to the IndieGoGo page and thanks, as always, for your time.
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