Monday, November 14, 2011

It didn't hit the newspapers yet, but all indications from his facebook page (or was it his wife's tweet) but Jorge Posada is hanging up the spikes and the 'stripes. Congratulations on an excellent career and for carrying on that tradition of great, hard-nosed catchers most exemplified by the late, great Captain-- Thurman Munson. That is as far from faint praise as it gets.

Red Sox lose their jackass of a closer, Papelbum, to the Phillies. Good! Couldn't stand that guy; same goes for Big Ploppy-- wonder where he winds up. Looks like Reyes goes to the new (and trying to improve) Miami Marlins; they're having all the major free agents come and check out the new field, eat at some great local restaurant and then get a contract offer. They are doomed if everyone says yes so it should be interesting to see how it all plays out over the hot stove. The fact that the collective bargaining contract is still up in the air adds another dimension.

So, the book. Yeah, not so great this week. Trying to write a happy "wish fulfillment story" when the real world keeps poking its freaking nose into my personal life is somewhat akin to pulling teeth out along with a hair from your head: pointless, painful and far from the most direct route.

I had been far behind after the first week. Now, I find myself behind after week two. I did get it together enough yesterday morning to scribble myself past the 20,000 word mark which is good, but not where I want or need to be especially with the holiday upcoming and travel and all that. I guess in the long run writing over 50 pages of novel in under 2 weeks is good, but I can - and must - do better.

Meanwhile, maybe I am also doing research on the caving movie and that could be ... fun.

Go read a book.


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