Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I missed history being made in the Bronx yesterday as the game against the Twinkies was blocked out locally on my MLB package. I could have gone to a bar to see Mariano Rivera carve his name next to 602 saves in the record books. Mo is far from done even at the age of 41 so he will further distance himself from Trevor Hoffman, but it's not like there had been any doubt who was and is the greatest closer the game has ever seen. It's nearly incomprehensible that some pitcher will eclipse all that Mo has done over the last 15+ seasons. Look at the post-season record and then look deep into the rear-view mirror which is where all the other closers in the history of the game sit...

Going to get to at least one more regular season Twins games this week- a businessman's special on Thursday afternoon; a good opportunity to root for the hapless home team. They have really gone down in flames this year.

Speaking of going down in flames, the bosox maybe salvaged their chances in unloading on the O's during the night-cap of a day/night double-header last night. Again I hope it really galls bosox fans as they HAVE to root for the Yanks vs the Rays this week and into next.

Had a pretty good surprise of night out in the NE; actually couldn't get into Grumpy's NE on Saturday night when I went, I didn't have that problem last night. 1/2 priced MN beers which means $2.50 for a pint of Furious got me in the door, the cool-kid bluegrass band playing out back kept me there. I was meeting a friend and turned out she was friends with the band; turned out I knew one of them too from Recovery Bikes here in the NE.

Wound up back at the "big house" where 6 of these kids will be hibernating for the winter; yes, there was a "little house" as well. A couple of them were Burners; one a virgin this year, the other was just back from her 2nd burn. Neither of them really knew any burners in the 612, didn't even know that there was such a big and tight community of long-time and newer burners out here. I will make that connection for them and not only because one of them was a very pretty tall girl. Nope, that will have nothing to do with anything.

Today will be spent doing an edit pass-through "Giving In," the novel that maybe needs to be read. I am caught up in the whirl of it wishing that I could share some of what I had written before I even knew what I was writing about, but I will just have to sit on that "knowledge" until the timing is right. You may get to read it before she does...


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