Thursday, June 9, 2011

So, that is my new ride. No, it's not a Porsche. I'd like to thank DTA for finally dragging me out to get it and to the guys at Recovery Bikes on Central Ave. for going above and beyond in mostly getting it road ready for me (more on that in a moment). Took it for errands including but not limited to getting lights and a lock for the evening's mission. The night-time ride to South Minneapolis and Zuba's was pretty great especially considering the 7+ mile city voyage is probably the longest destination ride I've ever made to my knowledge.
The trip home, on the other hand, was far more of a struggle. Yeah, it was late and I'd had a few Brooklyn IPA's before getting back on. And yes, we were thwarted in our attempts to fortify the last bit of the journey with sliders from White Castle (but we showed them later!) but the real issue I discovered when I tried to climb the hill toward the house was the back breaks. Apparently, I had been biking with pretty much the emergency break on; back tire and break making some steady contact: Increase level of difficulty by a force 10 from Navarone. No more long trips or hills until that is fixed.
But so what if we parked the bikes at home, got into the car and drove back to the White Castle: when man needs sliders, man needs sliders. And after a week of soft food -- again -- those soft little cheeseboogers were a god-send. At this point even the lobster bisque and the Belgian chocolate gelato are not cutting it. I NEED FOOD STAT! I know these are problems that most 40somethings don't complain about, but I have sunk under 150lbs again and that is too little. Steak and mashed potatoes and beer sound really freaking great right about now except for the ensuing pain in my mouth.
But enough with the complaining. I'll see if I can fix the tire/break issue myself and get back out there. 100+ temps flew out of here quickly and it's a good day to be out and not on here.

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