Productivity Update:
I spent all day yesterday holed up in the studio working away at my novel: Live Fast! (Die Out of Town) and I am still not hating it -- at all. Finished an edit/pass through working on one issue; next up is a pass fleshing out more of what is going on internally.
I have put the Rose cover specs out to a professional and should have a proper book cover back in less than 2 weeks. In the interim, I will be getting a print test copy of the short story collection into my hands asap. Another friend has offered to read and pass on to a publisher for whom she has worked, but for now I will progress with self-publication being the first step.
Stongly considering turning my family/kids screenplay "Field Trip" into a YA novel and working some more on the sketch of a kids book that has been in one of the notebooks for far too long.
In shorter, shorter news: @GeorgesGhost
In somewhat longer news, I will be updating my website
today and trying to keep it more than the once-every-few-years updates. The website is where I post a lot of the stories (both fiction and honest-to-God-truth) that are usually too long to go here except for when I am being lazy. Or when you've pissed me off and have been deemed "unworthy."
Surprising with that great attitude that I am single, huh?
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