The last time I was getting ready to leave Los Angeles, a very dear friend sent me a skull & bones t-shirt that read "Hollywood" and had the surgeon general's warning that living in Hollywood could cause serious character flaws. And when I received it then, some years back, it was still mostly a joke. Mostly.
But now, as I prepare to propel myself from this city, the joke is mostly lost on me. And of course this is gross generalization, but people have seemed to really turn on each other here over the course of the last few things. Things are indeed very tough here; when the film biz suffers this whole town feels the effects. Many people apparently see this as reason to circle the wagons; others see fit to screw over anyone outside of that circle. I am also seeing some good people working on exit strategies and I think them wise and I hope they get out while they can. I think that more than rats leave a sinking ship...
So over the next week plus as I get more ready to get out of here I may not be posting much, although you should be used to that. I'll have a new perspective and soon and will look to share that with y'all...
Wish you the best in your new home, Brian. Hope it is a grounding & secure environment so you feel free to write unencumbered by distractions of the "biz" in LA.