Perhaps there is a fine line between a missed opportunity and saving oneself anguish; I would like to think telling this new production company (who have never actually produced a movie, although I was told about their "$50-60M" film in pre-production. Well -- that's just crazy: I have six, $100M movies in "pre-production" and ten more "in development") where to stick their BS-option agreement is clearly on the side of saving anguish.
Almost exciting there for half a minnute. Okay, more like twenty seconds but for some-- that's a life time.
And since I was a roll in getting lied to, yesterday also seemed like the perfect time to rattle the cages of the rental management company, the bank and the LA Dept. of Housing. And really, it should not have come as much of a surprise to find out that the Mgt Co lied to LA Housing again. The first time the inspection notice and mandatory repairs required was sent to the Mgt Co they just said they never received it, which bought them 30 days more to ... not fix anything they were required to fix.
This time I was told by LA Housing that the tenant (that would be me) denied access to the property for their inspection and they just accepted that as gospel truth. I mean even though I filed the complaint with them and that LADoH has come twice to inspect and see that nothing was done. Of course, none of this is actually true. I did not let the Fannie Mae guy (who showed up in a Porsche, I shit you not and may have been wearing Armani) the first time he showed up unannounced, etc. but he did inspect two days later - now two months ago - and noted countless code violations and why my home would not pass inspection.
And they wonder why I ceased paying them money? I could easily squat one of the many vacant bungalows in the compound that still have power & gas (hmm... that could be billed to the bank, yes?) until such time that...
See? Wasn't it better when I had just had the Yankees to bitch about on here?
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