Friday, June 28, 2013

As it turns to the dogdays of Summer, things are heating up for the Yankees. Shame it's not on the field of play, but being waged on Twitter. In case you missed it, following a tweet saying his doctor cleared him to play baseball, A-Twit caught the wrath of Yankee GM, Brian Cashman, who told him through on the record comments, to "shut the fuck up."

Of course what he really wants to say is, "shut the fuck up, and go away and never come back," but that would be improper for the face of a professional baseball team. Yeah. Right. The Bombers miss George Steinbrenner more and more each day.

But at least the anemically equipped Yankee offense comes to Minneapolis next week for four games which usually spells three wins for the visiting team from New York. I should get to see two of them live and in person, Hope to miss the loss.


Wednesday night at Kingman Studios in The Nordeast, I finally got to read some of the stories (okay-- the same three stories, but if you hadn't heard them yet, then they're new to you) from my book, "A Rose by any Other Name," to my friends here in Minneapolis. I was joined on the stage by Jamez Smith, who read poems from a collection he had written quite some time ago, lost the manuscript in a house-fire and then, very recently, was re-united with a copy of the original material.

And while I don't ever expect to be re-united with the novel that was lost when my laptop got stolen in Brooklyn a few years back, I almost got to screen the video that was cut from master tapes that the original editor had lost for years. So, yes, I added a "lost & found" theme to the previously-stated one of "relationships," but Jamez rolled with it.

The room was filled and it was a good way to spend the early part of a Wednesday night in the Twin Cities. 

And as of last night, Jamez and I have lined up a follow-up night for two weeks from today at the Blue Nile. The scheme is to create more of the "Modern Campfire" vibe and bring in some live music interspersed between my stories and Jamez's poem. So you read this first: consider it an early press release.

Enjoy the weekend; read a book. Read this book. (It's mine if you were wondering)


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