Sorry it's been days since I have posted anything; longer still since I've put up anything new and original I think as well. I am actually in the studio for the first time in far too long; it had still be a stinky mess ever since the flooding. At least that was the excuse I was using. And cleaning is often the last gasp of the supposed-to-be-writing mode, but this was actually necessary (of course, cleaning the desk itself is always useful. The surest sign of a non-productive writer is a neat and orderly desk. Bad, dark sign. Excep for when it's mine, of course.)
But with a new eyeball on the writing studio as a place to live -- can you tell that the Pay or Quit sign was just taped to my front door? Naah, me neither. Never saw it. Isn't that what the "lady" from the "management" company told the LA Dept. of Housing when I had the first complaint filed and failed inspection? By golly-- I think it is -- cleaning it up was really necessary. Sadly, it didn't take as long as I would have hoped, which is why you get these random scribblings right now.
And really-- as soon as my divorcing friend's LPs (for men of a certain age: first rule of separation: remove your vinyl LPs from the wedded house ASAP!) are out of my studio my bed could fit in that space very nicely. And since I'm jacking internet from the neighbors back at this end, my connection should be better. Upside! The unit out in front is vacant and open: bathroom with shower. Gosh, I love it when a plan comes together.
But before that and the lousy conversation with a louse of an exgf, I was working on my novel "LIVE FAST! (Die Out of Town)" and actually enjoying it for the first time in some time. Perhaps I've put enough distance between me and it. I'll finish this pass through-- mostly putting the action of the not-flashback chapters in a more active voice -- I think I'll pass it to one reader in particular who may have some time for such endeavors.
That is all...
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