I know times are rough – really I do – but yesterday my inbox brought a new high. I received an email from a woman who runs a screenwriting website; I had signed up for her newsletter a few months back believing she had producers on her site who were looking for writers and/or scripts. Too lazy to unsubscribe, I am still getting her emails and I suppose I am somewhat happy that I did so or I would not be able to tell you what I got from her yesterday.
The email started by thanking me by name for my condolences that I sent her recently over the death of her mother. I hadn’t sent any; this was the first I was hearing about it, but it’s not like I would have sent any regardless. She then went on to say that she had also just lost her father and a very close aunt. But before you start to really feel sorry for her, she started in on the sales pitch, mentioning how she is using all this for her work and was offering writing workshops – to capitalize on the loss.
Nice. I obviously signed up immediately after sending her condolences in regard to both her father and her favorite aunt.
Netflix deemed me worthy to screen the worst movie I have seen in some time, definitely the worst this year. “Love and Distrust” is a compilation of five short movies. Right off the bat, the music, graphics and titles were of a sub-porn quality. And then the little movies started and continued the bad porn theme; bad porn minus any actual nudity. So, what makes this notable? Why am I even mentioning it? Because of some of the cast: Robert Downey, Jr., James Franco, Amy Adams and a handful of other big and even talented name actors. Robert Pattinson was in it as well…
Today, January 19, 2011 was a date that had been in the calendar of my mind for some time, but now that the day is here it no longer means what I had been waiting for. Such is life he writes a little cryptically…
After posting those couple of works of fiction, I’ll follow that up later this week with some non-fiction accounts.
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