Thursday, April 25, 2013

If how the New York Yankees perform at Tropicana Field is any indication, baseball simply should not be played indoors. Much credit has to be given to the effective kiddie-corps of pitchers the Rays throw out there night after night. The funny thing is that the David Price (2012 Cy Young winner) versus Phil Hughes (Cy Nada) game on Tuesday night was the one I thought the lost-cause, wound up being the only game the Yanks took in the three game set. Baseball is a funny game, indeed.

What's not been so funny in the early part of the season is the debacle created by the schedule makers. Mind you: the task was different this year than it has ever been. When the Houston Astros were reassigned to the AL West, it created an odd number of teams in each league requiring that there be an Interleague game on the schedule each day so as to not necessitate too many days of for teams. Okay. Got that.

Why am I mentioning indoor vs. outdoor baseball then, you ask? Well, they really screwed the pooch in setting the locales of early April games especially in cities where there could be inclement weather. And with the new schedule there was a new wrinkle: teams travel but ONCE per season to cities outside of their division. Those same teams come but ONCE to your park. This makes make-up games far more difficult to schedule and you would think someone bore that in mind.


Colorado, Minneapolis have been getting snow-- and trust me, I have this one on experience -- not just a dusting. Sure MidWesterners are a tough lot, but nobody here wants to sit out in the snow for 3+ hours watching the Twins get pounded by the Mets. Same goes for Rockies fans.

No one really needs many days off in April. The players for the majority should be in the best shape they've been all year, should be the most rested. But come down the dog days when you have to travel on your off-day to another city to perhaps even have to play a double-header like the Yankees have looming vs the Indians, could take a big toll on a team down the stretch. This doesn't bode well for a more veteran (read: old) team like the Yanks.

Someone - or some computer - should lose its job.


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