Yeah, yeah, it's been a few weeks but when you don't have anything nice to say...
But I'm pretty adamant that MLB commissioner Bud Selig has got to go. His term has been all about the business and damn the game of baseball. Really the 'why' behind his treatment of the McCourt/Dodger fiasco was all about making more money for his friends and from keeping anyone else out. Was McCourt bad for the game, bad for the Dodgers? Hell yes he was, but it wasn't until he threatened to undercut the MLB TV deal that Selig wanted was he ousted.
Meanwhile, down in South Florida, all hell has broken loose. Loria and his team of skeevy carpetbaggers have done it again and when it was in the power of Selig to block a trade all he was roll his eyes and say what can you do. Lies to players and taxpayers mean not a damn thing. I'd watch soccer if I lived there before going to another Marlins home game. Loria recently just nudged out Fidel Castro in a popularity contest. Ozzie Guillen is lucky to be gone.
Meanwhile, despite selling 49% of the YES network to Rupert Murdoch, the new Yankee brass seems set in stone about keeping under the $189M salary mark to avoid the newest rounds of luxury tax. Sharing the wealth and the payments to smaller market teams would be one thing but if the owners just put the money in their pocket then really -- why subsidize then. Brian Cashman is probably hamstrung by 1-year deals this winter as the signings of Pettitte, Kuroda & Mo (although we're all rather happy to have them in the fold for another season) bear out. Losing Russell Martin to Pittsburgh is okay- he's more noise than thunder. Even the fan favorite Swisher had to go as he fails to show up in the post-season. As for who catches and who provides some thump from right-field, remains to be seen.
Meanwhile out in LA, the 'new' Dodgers got their sick TV deal - even far more profitable than YES is for the Yankees and they will be the team for the next few seasons that drives up free agent salaries. Scott Boras must be licking his chops. Funny that in the midst of all of this and when PED tainted stars Bonds, Clemens and Sosa hit the Hall of Fame ballot for the first time, Marvin Miller, the head of the players' union who was the man behind free agency and the boon to the salaries of the players died at the age of 95.
I am seriously considering boycotting Opening Day and the All-Star game (ok, I rarely watch the latter anyway) until Selig resigns and Joe Torre is made the new commissioner. That, indeed, would be best for the game.
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