But the bats responded in the final two frames and put up a twelve spot and hung on 12-8 last night. Not quite pulling names at random for the line-up, but there was a big shake-up. Granderson, who seemingly sets a new Yankee strike-out record every night, was dropped to 6th and responded. Jeter got to be back in the lead-off spot (2-6) and Swisher moved into the vacated two-spot and reached base nearly every time he came to the plate.
I suspect the line-up for today's get-away day game will look a lot like last night's; here's hoping they respond in similar fashion and split the 4-game set.
The above is the preliminary artwork for the next two, "twin" elephants to continue the chain that will eventually cover my left arm, tail to trunk and so on. Not quite sure if I am impressed with the sketch; not sure if the artist got that the elephants will be linked - and with the one already on my bicep. But, if I am going to get the work done before heading to the desert, it will have to be either today or tomorrow (if even possible, schedule-wise) or there won't be sufficient healing time before sunblock can be applied and the fresh ink gets subjected to the brilliant Nevada sun.
Mailing out a few copies of "Rose" today as gifts for a few worthy people; that said: there are still about 10 copies left on the shelf that could be inscribed and mailed (at no extra cost) to the US mailbox of your choice. More info on the book here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SABVQC/ref=tag_dpp_yt_edpp_rt or here, too: https://www.createspace.com/3527985
Okay, it's early still and I'm tired (always) so back to bed. You go buy a book...
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