Sunday, March 11, 2012

Waiting is the name of this game...

More screenplays went out last week which really is great news. And now all I have to do is forget all about them. Out of my hands and nothing I can do about it. Well, I guess I could start writing actual script pages instead of "doing research" and "taking notes." But now I am keeping the lit-manager waiting and that's what it's all about, yaar?

Still waiting on "Rose" notes; some of the proof copies have been out for near three weeks, but not much I can do on that front other than gentles nudges. Nudge... Nudge... You know who you are.

Same for BBD. The rest of the staff correspondents are being added, but for the mean time I get to wait for that ball to get rolling as well. I guess I can link from here (or vice versa) to the ESPN site on the days that my pieces hit. And since we're all just waiting for games that count, that matter it is what it is.

And waiting on the Jerusalem Post to start running my stories. I guess the same note from above applies here.

One thing we didn't have to wait for was spring. It's been a sixty plus degree weekend and every roof-deck and patio bar is open and teeming with under-dressed MidWesterners; that is mostly not a complaint.

Thoughts go out to my friends in Japan as we reach the year mark from the devastating earthquake(s) and tsunami.


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