Sunday, January 29, 2012

Find something else to do: this blog will be on hiatus for the week as I head to Florida to get the fields ready for Spring Training; approximately three weeks until pitchers & catchers report.

Not only did I finally get to see The Suicide Commandos, Minneapolis' original punk band last night, I got my much sought after t-shirt from the aforementioned band. Playing as part of the local radio station - The Current - birthday party, it was great to hear some songs that I haven't heard in well over a decade. My quip of the night? "Punk's not dead; it's just been eating too much cheese." I also (somewhat) silently intoned my wishes for the bald and gray members to "please put your caps back on."

Also on the bill were Haley Bonar, Simms and Polica, the latter I had actually heard - sort of - as the singer had sang the "first dance" song at some dear friends' wedding a few years back. Further proof that this is a small town? The guy standing in front of me in the packed-to-capacity crowd was the guy who was the previous tenant in the place in which I now live. He had been telling his girlfriend about Lucero all night long (they're coming to 1st Ave. in April!) so he was extra-excited to see me in the band's t-shirt and he was double-fisting his drinks, so I'll excuse his exuberance in seeing me and for hugging me perhaps thrice; at least he didn't say, "I love you man who lives in my old apartment!"

Anyway- have a good week; let me know if something happens off the field that should come to my attention.


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