An observation on the advantage of "small town" living: I may have mentioned the band that opened for Tommy Stinson in a previous blog- I didn't like them. And I actually saw them -- again -- yesterday at the Memory Lanes block-party, but there was a little evening of the score that occurred prior to the set that made them far more digestible: I got to submerge the lead singer in the dunk tank and that made me feel a whole lot better about 4 on the Floor. Truth be told: the fix was in. I should have dunked him 2 more times with baseballs nailed spot on to the target, but they hadn't fixed the restraining bar properly so he didn't go in the water -- then.
And perhaps their set was easier to take because I was speaking with a pretty woman who I had maybe observed dancing at Nick & Eddie's this past Friday night. Note: advantage "small town" living.
That that's not the only occasion that I've had similar fortune in just a month or so. Perhaps I am traveling in proper circles.
So, starting tomorrow my living space is going to be off-limits as such much needed construction is done to remedy the serious flooding issues in the basement and ManCave. Another week of disruption should very hopefully lead to a more permanent place to get work done. At least that is the last excuse I have stockpiled. It may just do the trick...
Maybe acclimating to the cold will be easier than re-adjusting to the humidity. Sticky day out there made my run all that much harder. I would claim extra-credit for not only dealing with the moist air, but because I really, really didn't want to run today except I didn't quite complete my full run so we'll just call it a wash.
Got in 2 games of bowling (beating woman & children handily) at Memory Lanes before the block party. Another small town thing, I guess- this was the 2nd time in a little more months than that that I have bowled. Perhaps I was just showing off for the afore-mentioned company (he wrote with a wink) but I increased by score by about 50% over the Bryant Lake Bowl excursion averaging over 150 points per game which is about as good as should ever want to have to bowl. Hipstamatic photos courtesy of Jess- thanks...
I think the combination of t-shirt image & bowling ball make it look like I have a cartoon bomb under my arm: going to tie the damsel to the tracks and put the bomb on the oncoming 3:08 Express train!