Rant #1 (vs. AT&T)
So, last week I called AT&Pee to look into lower cost options for my internet and land-line phone from them. I explained my situation and inquired as to what they could do to help keep my business and save me some money. The oh-so very helpful customer “service” representative first told me that I could change my phone to a limited number of minutes (instead of unlimited) which would be slightly less expensive (we’re talking only a few bucks, actually) but she looked at my usage and told me I would be subject to overage fees because of my usage.
When I told her that I had NO choice but to use my land-line because my cell phone (foolishly, also through AT&Pee) doesn’t work in either my home or my office. My actual monthly charge would wind up costing me more and I would have to pay attention to my minutes. Yeah, that’s great. Thanks, but FOAD.
And then I inquire into ways to lower my internet charges from them. I am informed if I cut my speed in half I can save a whopping five bucks a month! Beverly Hills, here I come! But now, here’s the really, really great part of that: Yesterday I received a post-card from AT&Pee hoping that I am loving my shitty service and to inform me that the costs of that service would be going up on February 1st by, hold your breath, that very same five bucks I would be “saving.”
Of course, the customer disservice agent neglected to inform me of that. I mean, why be helpful. So, I’m just gonna jack from the neighbors and tell AT&Pee where they can stick that five bucks in rusty quarters.
Rant #2 (vs. Carrington Property “Service”)
So, as I am in the process of getting rid of AT&Pee, CPS is going to have a time trying to get rid of me. I am done paying rent on an unsafe, insecure unit and have informed them, as well as the bank that actually now owns my home, that (A) I won’t give them another dime and (B) Why—I hung Lynne Brown, my property “manager,” out to dry listing the broken promises, the flat-out lies and the failure to even put in working smoke detectors in my home after seven months.
Part of me hopes that I am still here when they attempt to rent the four vacant units. Rent Strike signs won’t do it – my unit is the first any potential leasee would see upon entering our bungalow complex – so they’ll get treated to my spray-painted window decorations. I’m thinking:
1. Lynne Brown is a liar
2. CPS are wanna-be slumlords
3. I wouldn’t rent from them if I were YOU!
Okay, I am done with this morning’s rants. Tomorrow I will get back to my normally sunny disposition and bitch about why really short guys should not front bands and maybe how there is still time to be the first to buy one of my T-shirt designs (I suspect I may be the only one to sport my “God is Love* *Some Restrictions Apply,” and the first to buy my book, but that’s cool.
And don’t worry—Cliff Lee and his missus shall also face the wrath of my bombast…
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