Monday, November 12, 2012

Well, as expected none of the 3 players the Yanks offered qualifying $13.3M bids for the 2013 season were accepted by the players. Swish and Soriano are most probably going elsewhere. Hopes are high that the Yankees can get another 1-year deal for Kuroda, but he may head home to Japan to finish up his very respectable career.

Ex-Yank fan fav' Tino Martinez will be in Florida as their hitting coach. There was some talk of him being hired for the same position by the bosox and glad we don't have to see him in wrong team colors, Don Mattingly is bad enough in Dodger blue.

First nearly real snow up here in the Twin Cities overnight. Just a dusting and should be gone this week but hopefully there's some good inside time upcoming: great for writing.

I will be re-ordering copies of Rose this week and I will continue to offer inscribed copies for the same list price of $14 -- plus shipping for the next 12days or so as I continue to donate $5 from every sale to this amazing kick-starter campaign for my friend David. Click here to see what I'm talking about.

Meanwhile still awaiting receipt of screenplay toward potential re-write as well as hopefully a writing deal and/or interest in some of my pre-existing completed work. Project seems much more up my alley than the dour/dark script I read a few weeks back.

Just had to turn down my 2nd request as hitchin' preacher man as I have a travel conflict.

Stay warm today.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

So, I am still having odd technical issues with this blog. It won't let me post using my main method of getting on this here interwebby and pictures? Fuhgeddaboudit. Although I will try again, now.

Yeah, that didn't work. I'll get someone who should be permitted to touch computers to touch mine again.

Meanwhile, the plan for winter and Rose is to finally get out and read some of the tales, hopefully not only in bookstores, but also in venues where people may be drinking, may be more inclined to drop $14 on a book. I am still donating $5 from every sale for the next 15 days to the kick-starter campaign for my dear friend, David. Click here to watch it. It will make your day. Helping out will make your month. Coming to the NYE party that David will be DJ'ing at using but his eyes to control will make your year.

Still waiting to receive a screenplay for which I am up for the re-write gig. Toes and eyes crossed. I did read another project recently sent my way toward similar need, but it was quite a dark and dour piece of work that needs quite a bit of work. There's an offer to work on a spec' with an old friend bubbling around as well, but if you've paid any attention to my kvetching about the film biz, spec doesn't pay...

I have been getting some decent early responses to the novel that I plan publishing next year after I have exhausted my avenues on Rose.

In Yankee world, looks like Mo is coming back for another, hopes are high that Andy Pettitte and Kuroda (offer made) come back for one more go around too. Jeter and CC are recovering well from all reports. Granderson and Cano's options were picked up, but sounds like the deal that Robbie's agent-from-hell is looking for may make #24 someone else's second baseman come 2014 and the intended goal of Yankee payroll being below the $189M luxury tax threshold.

Should be an interesting winter, but not expecting any earth-shattering moves from the likes of Brian Cashman et al, but you never know...


Monday, November 5, 2012

Wisconsin, a native word meaning, I believe "well, at least it ain't flat" was very very good to me. Despite the faux 'hound bus getting me there an hour later, I tasted 3-4 local beers including a powerful Scotch Ale over the couple of days.

Was invited to a home cooked dinner from a Saddam Hussein-look-alike chef who no longer has a restaurant so an invite is the only way to get his sensational Lebanese cooking. I don't think I had had a full-on Lebanese meal in over a decade since an exceptional meal at Mamlouk on my old East Village 4th street. Not sure if that place is still there, regardless the lamb stroganoff made with both heavy cream and the expected sour cream was rich, warm and creamy as all get out. The lamb - cooked perfectly - fell apart if your fork even looked at it.

Meanwhile, I got to stop into Driftless Books, housed in an old tobacco house in Viroqua, WI which is the only retail outlet so far to carry my book, "A Rose by Any Other Name." As soon as I figure out this posting pictures snafu, I'll post a couple pictures of the place. Word on the street is that I will be able to do a reading -- perhaps even for the radio -- and a signing there sometime soon.

Okay, the bus was late getting me home and so I've got to fly.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Well, it looks like I had some techinical issues earlier in the week. The last blog post -- think it was my initial take on the Yankees hot-stove moves -- got eaten by the interbunny. Such is life...

But the dedication page on my 1st book, "A Rose by Any Other Name" reads: "For DTA and his strength" which is about my friend David Anderson and his battle with ALS. As mentioned before there is a kickstarter campaign going right now: click here and while we surpassed the stated goal of $15K after but a few days, that was really just the beginning. Getting David to DJ a New Year's Eve party in Minneapolis is just part of the plan. There is a bigger, far reaching plan to make all the technical developments created for David's use available to other people in the world suffering from diseases such as ALS, MS and others that limit those stricken to communicate effectively with the rest of us.

And while I appear in the video, I also want to put my money where my mouth is and offer up the profits from sales of my book for the remaining twenty-two days on the kickstarter which is now over $17K in donations.

I will donate $5 from every print edition copy sold in the next three weeks from either me personally (inscribed if you would like) or if you purchase from the print-on-demand location here.

I would include soome pictures - actually tried - but tech issues persist: sorry.

Meanwhile, working on the novel. A small handful of people have had it in their hands. I am awaiting feedback so that I can move on to the next draft toward a 2013 publication date, but there's still so much to do this winter with Rose so I am in no real rush to push it out before it's fully gestated.

There's some screenplay stuff bubbling around as well, but I'm not jinxing that by mentioning it to the likes of you and you and you...
