Sorry for the disappearing act; probably should have mentioned I was going on vacation last week. And nothing personal, but the best day I had during the week's West Coast swing just happened to be the one day that I had neither cellphone service or powered up the computer; a coincidence? Somehow I doubt that. And whilst I will make sure it doesn't interfere with posting my "regular" three blogs per week, I think taking a day off from this technology per week may just become a regular habit; I recommend it to you as well...
Despite my very real intentions to get home safe & sound, somehow yesterday through really no fault of anyone but myself, I missed my flight out of LAX. My dear friend Chris P. went the extra miles and got me to the airport in plenty of time for my US Air flight -- the only thing wrong with the scenario was that apparently (but clearly not to ME) I wasn't flying them, I was on United, who just so happen to be 6 terminals away at that bustling (even for 6:30AM) airport. So I paid the extra stress tax and I paid the stupid tax and I eventually made it home early yesterday evening.
I did get to AT&T Park on the trip with my very good friend Saxifrage during the trip and that was a good day with a great view even if those defending champs behind The Freak beat the Twins for whom I was rooting. I had only been to that baseball park twice before: once I sat in a friend's corporate seats behind the plate, the other time I actually sat on the field in the grass behind 2nd base. That last time was for a simulcast from the SF Opera House on the huge center-field screen. But having spied the view on TV from those right-field upper deck seats, I was looking forward to that and really wasn't disappointed (see: picture above) even if the Giants beat the Twinkies 2-1.
Okay, I will file a bigger report later this week. That is all...